Battersea Untangled goes live.

The website for Battersea Untangled is now live:

“Battersea Untangled is a local group formed to give a collective voice to the community within Battersea.

Our mission is to inform about proposed development in the area and advocate for a better, fairer built environment for the benefit of all.

During the second railway mania of the 1860s Battersea saw an additional two railway companies expand into the area. The four total companies soon wished to interconnect. An overhaul of the 1858–60 network had become necessary and construction soon began.

The outcome was the so-called ‘Battersea Tangle’, a term said to derive from railwaymen’s lore.

In modern times, the slightly forgotten, designated industrial zone between the rails, continues to be referred to as the “Battersea Tangle.”

With the future of the BDTQ on the horizon, the local community seeks to bring about a coherent vision for this historical region, and work to bring about a Battersea, finally, ‘Untangled.’”


Collaboration: Dennis interviewed on Business of Architecture podcast.


The Power of Self Initiated Studies: published in Architecture Today.